JOIN US AT AVAFEST 2019 CREATED By the VSPChannel to promote healing in veterans using THE ARTS. Austin, Texas OCTOBER 12 – NOVEMBER 16, 2019. BE THERE,VISIT: to see the...
“STAY ALIVE, DON’T SUICIDE” Have you heard the good news? There is an art festival being planned and scheduled to take place in the city of Austin, Texas for veterans and their family members, and...
By Glenn Towery The idea for the Veteran Suicide Prevention Channel (VSPChannel) was conceived in 2014 after I moved to Round Rock, Texas from Los Angeles, California. I am a Vietnam combat veteran who served in the United States Navy under some very scurrilous...
In order to begin to deal with veteran suicides in America, we must first recognize that it is a crisis. We have to actually call it a “crisis” and rally our forces together to deal with it as such. When our communities are hit by a tornado or a hurricane,...
ARE SECRET CODES CONTRIBUTING TO THE U.S. VETERANS SUICIDE CRISIS IN THE UNITED STATES? BY GLENN TOWERY, CHAIRMAN, VSPCHANNEL VSPChannel (VSPC) has learned that during the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, various actions and wars in our U.S. history thereafter, men...
The Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel has been making progress towards achieving its goal to become a national broadcast channel for veterans, their family members and supporters. I am proud to report that our volunteers are working towards attainment of very...
The Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel has been created to try to save the lives of America’s veterans, and promote good health and understanding to their family members and supporters. Our channel will achieve these goals by producing and broadcasting shows that contain healing subject matters and information, educating, entertaining and providing resource information that will benefit America’s veterans, their family members and supporters wherever they may live nationwide and internationally.